By Dr Robby Bilton The Length of Your Ad "DWF, N/S, N/D, likes C/W music wishes to meet gent w/similar qalities. Reply......" This is an example of an ad that could be placed in the Companions Wanted section. Do you understand what it means? How much do you know about this person from this ad? This person may have saved themselves a lot of money by placing such a short ad, but how many responses do you think they will get?
When writing a Companions Wanted Ad, keep in mind that the most publications place the larger ads at the top of the column(s). If the publication has 40 ads in that classification on a particular day, the above ad would be placed way down near the bottom. By the time readers have read a number of ads in this classification, their attention may have shifted and they may more onto something else, sot his ad may be seen by fewer people than a larger ad up near the top of the column. Also some dating agencies place a number of small "teaser" ads in this classification on a fairly regular basis. People who read these ads are probably familiar with this snd so a small ad like the one avoue may get lost amongst the teaser ads. and may get completely overlooked by readers who are genuinely searching for their special someone. The above ad also contains too many abbreviations. Readers who have to work too hard to figure ouyt the meaning of your ad may just give up and go on to an ad thay can more readily understand. Almost all publications use some farily standard abbreviations and it is not wrong to take advntage of a few abbreviations to keep your ad from getting too long, but keep abbreviations to a minimum. You want to make it as easy as possible for people to understand exactly what you are saying. By cutting costs, the person who placed the abovd ad has told their readers very little about themselves. They have made it dificult for people to understand their ad and may have sabotaged their efforts. And unknowingly, this person may have conveyed the impression to readers that they do not think hightly enough of themselves to spend some money on placing a nicer ad. Readers may also get the impression that this person is stingy with their money and so without meaning to, this person has already created a negative image of themselves.
There are also disadvantages to placing an ad that is too wordy. Your reader may lose interest and move on to antoher ad that is more direct. Also, when your ad contains too much information, there is always the chance that some of that information may be lost in the reading. What you considered an important point may not be noticed by your readers when it is buried in a lot of other information. This a may cause you to get responses from people that are not what you are looking for. A medium sized ad, 40 50 words, will probably work to your best advantage. You have enough room to tell your readers a bit about yourself and what you are looking for. It also gives you enough room to be creative in your wording which helps to attract your readers' attention. The Actual Content of Your Ad The most important thing about the content of your ad is honesty. If you are serious about looking for someone special through the Companions Wanted Section, then eventually you are going to have to meet the peopl who respond to you ad. First impressions can never be taken back, so if you are not truthful in your ad, you are going to create a bad impression right from the start. It is a good idea to tell your readers abit about yourself physically in your ad. Most readers like to know something about the person they are responding to. Some people balk at placing a description of themself in their ad as they feel physical attraction should not play such a large part. They would prefer to meet people who are attracted to the type of person they are rather than people who are just attracted to a physical description. This is a very valid point. But unfortunately it may work to your disdvantage. If you do not put some type of physical description of yourself in your ad, your readers may conclude that you have something to hide or you may be unattractive and so you may lose some of the people who might have responded to your ad. A very general description will suffice eg. attractive, 30 something single mom or single male, 28, black hair, blue eyes. You do not have to profess that your are Christie Brinkley or Mel Gibson Remember be honest. Almost everyone has a least 1 or 2 good features they can write into their ad. a dynamite smile, long blonde hair, big blue/brown eyes are just a few examples. A short physical description also allows readers to know if they would match you physically and so it helps cut down on the number of unsuitable responses you may receive. For instance if your ad reads that you are a 5'10" female who loves dancing a gent who is 5'5" may not be the person you are looking for. If you have included your age or approximate age in your ad, then readers who are 20 years younger or older may not respond since there may be too much of an age gap for good conversation. A short, general physical description will help to ensure that you receive resonses from people who are attracted to your physical type and who would probably match you physically. List some of your interests or hobbies. Remember to keep your ad upbeat. Even if you are a couch potato, you probably enjoy doing somethings that your readers can relate to. If you consider yourself a romantic person your list could include things like making snow angles together, candlelit dinners for 2, snuggling up to watch a good movie, etc. If you are very fit and active your list could include activities such as cycling, skiing, walking, etc. You may want to leave out activities which make you sound dull or boring, such as reading, watching tv, playing cards. As you get to know the people who respond to your ads, you can include these quieter pasttimes. Remember you are trying to project the best possible image through a few written words. If you have particular likes or dislikes in a partner, it may be a good idea to include these in your ad. For instance, if smoking gives you migraines you may want to put in your ad that you are seeking anon smoking partner. Or if you could not possibly be attracted to a bald man, you may want to tactfully put something in your ad saying you would like to hear from men with a full head of hear. Generally, it is not a good idea to put too many restrictions on who can respond to your ad because it cuts down on the number of responses you receive. It may also convey the impression that you are extremely picky and so you may lose some people who thgough they fit the description you are seeking, may not respond because they find you attitude not to their liking. Finally, do not forget to tell people how they can respond to your ad. Way to Protect Your Privacy When placing a Companions Wanted ad you need to consider hwo to receive your responses. Some large publications will rent you a box number when you place your ad. You can then choose whether to pick up your responses or have them mailed to you. Costs may vary depending on which option your choose. If the publication does not have this service, you may want to investigate renting a post office box for a month. Some of your replies may take a while to reach you. so do not limit your responses by renting apost office box for less than a month. Sometimes it takes readers a while to work up their courage to write to you or they may be away on a business trip or a vacation and may want to respond when they return. Whether you choose to rent the box from the publication or the post office, both these options will protect your provacy. It is not a good idea to put a phone number in your ad. There are too many ways people can find out where you live when they have a phone number to work with. And unfortunately, a phone number is this type of ad is an open invitation to all kinds of kooks who may plague you with obscene or prank phone calls. The Kinds of Results You can Expect If you are a gorgeous female with one blonde hair and plenty of excitying interests or a tall, dark handsome male with a sensitive and romantic side to you, then you can probably expect to receive a flood of responses. But not everyone fits these descriptions and so the number of responses you will receive can vary tremendously. But if you keep your ad upbeat, let your sense of humor shine through and emphasize your good points. then you can expenct to receive a good response to your ad. Ads that sparkel with enthusiasm or are written in unique style will attract more sponses. Make your ad stand out from the crowd by being creative and you will improve the number of responses you receive. 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