By [] Lenore Chapman Have you gone to the doctor and he decides you need un-necessary test taken, and then piles on the medicine for you to take. Well, you can say no to all of it. Doctors are known for taking test on you that you don't need and then give you medicines that you really don't need. You know your body better than any doctor out there. Before you let the doctor do test on you for something that isn't ailing you, ask him why he thinks it is necessary for you to have the test. You can refuse if you want to. There are doctors out there that do un-necessary test and then charge not only you but your insurance company, which can cause insurance rates to go up. It is bad enough that we pay a ton of money to have health insurance for the matters that are ailing us, but when it is being abused by some doctors, it doesn't help keep the rates down. The rates the doctors charge are getting out of site and it is really hard to find a good one out there that is for the people. If you find one, hold on to him. I have gone to doctors that do test for something that I didn't even go to see him about, and then he claims you need this medicine or that medicine. And believe me some medicines aren't cheap either. I pity the folks out there that are sick and can't afford the medicines prescribed to them. I had gone to a new doctor. After he had gotten my history, he started to prescribe all kinds of medicine. When he was done he had me on thirteen different medicines and all I went for my an annual physical. That was the last time I had gone to see the doctor. If I wanted to live on all this junk that he prescribed, which wasn't necessary, I would have had to get a second job just to pay for them. Needless to say, I quit going to him. I question my doctor before he prescribes medicine to me and as far as having test on me, I only let him do test when I think it is necessary. I am not a little white rat, and he isn't going to test new medicine on me. I read up on my prescriptions before I take them and make sure I read about all the side affects. What I am saying is don't let the doctor do un-necessary test on you and give you un-necessary medicines. There are pill pushers out there, don't get caught in there web. [] Lenores World Article Source: [ ] [ ] phentermine online no rx
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