Monday, December 31, 2007

How to Prepare for Your First Date (Man to Man)

By Obi Williams Aahthe first date. Nothing will bring more angst than the first time you are preparing to take out your potential dream girl. Its easy to get caught up in the mood and forget all the little things you wanted to say and/or do. Relax! I have a step by step guide to help you on this important evening. If you follow my steps correctly, your first date may be the first in a lifetime of dates. Planning
The first thing you want to do is plan a date that would be mutually enjoyable for you and your date. Im assuming you read my article on How to have a mini date. If you did you would already know through the mini dates what your date likes and dislikes. If you havent read that article, shame on you! Go read it! ;) Seriously, you should know the basics of the woman youre taking out. Her favorite food, color, flower(s), scent, places to go, topics of interest, movie(s), and extracurricular activities to name a few. Take into account her likes/dislikes when planning the evening. A first date requires planning. You should try to plan your first date 2-3 days in advance, and if possible, set the date for a weekend. Check the 7 day forecast in your area to make sure that adverse weather wont affect your evening. A good first date day and time depends on your date, the plans for the evening, and your geographical location. A suitable start time can be anywhere from 7:00-9:00pm. If a weekend is not mutually agreeable, plan it for a day when time wont be an issue for either party. Plan your dinner at a restaurant that youre familiar with, but try to avoid your favorite restaurant. Make reservations where you know the food and service is good, but the staff and management doesnt know you. It can make for an awkward evening if you go to you and your exs favorite place. When planning your first date you want to implement things she likes, things she would like to try, and things you like, in that order. Be open to try something new, as long its related to either you or your dates interest. Remember that women like a man who can take charge and be in control, as long as they dont try to control them. Confirmation
Now that youve already planned your evening, its a good thing to confirm all of the plans the day of the date. First confirm the date with your date, preferably in the late morning to early afternoon. The early afternoon represents a time that is late enough to not disturb your dates beauty rest or previous nights activities, yet early enough before they get into their afternoon activities. Between 11 am-1pm is a good time to call. After confirming the time and meeting place (preferably her house) with your date, take the opportunity to inform her thoroughly of the plans for the evening. Tell her the name and type (cuisine) of restaurant youre going, the atmosphere (intimate, friendly, loud), the location (city, suburbs, or beach) and what youre planning on wearing for the date. Among the most important things to do is tell her what youre going to wear. This is important because youll want to see if her style and sense of fashion coordinates with yours, as well as do you (both) look good as a couple. Dont leave anything to surprise! Surprises are only good for Birthdays and Anniversaries; theyre not appropriate for first dates. The best surprise you can give your date is your preparedness for an evening of fun and enjoyment. Of course, little things like flowers and candy wouldnt hurt. Confirm with the restaurant the time and type of reservation you requested making sure the host(ess) reads back your reservation and any special request (private table, flowers, and/or chilled wine, ocean view, etc) you might have given them. Lastly confirm any extra activities you had planned for after dinner whether it is movies, a sporting event, or the theatre. Confirming (checking) the weather forecast for the evening is also a smart thing to do. If the forecast calls for rain, bring an umbrella. Grooming
The first date is your best opportunity to make your best first impression and you should take every advantage of that opportunity. Essential grooming is must! The morning of the date a visit to the barber or stylist is in order for a first date. Get a nice haircut and shave. The six oclock shadow only looks good in movies. In reality woman like to see that the man theyre with is well groomed. Grooming doesnt make you a metrosexual or ubersexual as they like to call it. Well groomed just simply means you take pride in your appearance, especially in public on a first date. In addition, theres something refreshing, even empowering, in the way you feel after youre had a nice haircut and shave. Clothing
Nothing will set the tone more for your first date than what you choose to wear. While many women like to go and buy new outfits for their first date, I strongly discourage men from doing it. Your first date is all about you being relaxed and in control. Its hard to do that if you keep fidgeting around because your pants are uncomfortable, shoes are too tight, and/or your jacket doesnt fit. On the first date its good to resort to clothes youre familiar and comfortable in. The clothes you wear and style you have may be different than the next man; however some universal truism apply. You should have a nice pair of pressed dress slacks, long sleeve cotton shirt, sport jacket, and nicely shined shoes. Lay all of your clothes out on your bed or valet if you have one. Lay the slacks, shirt, belt, and jacket on the bed to make sure everything coordinates in both fashion sense and color. Then add the two most important accessories; the shoes and the watch. A watch is to a man, what a purse is to a woman. Its that quintessential accessory that defines your character and sense of style. A bad timepiece can mean a short evening and more future evenings alone. A nice timepiece shows that you have the sense of fashion and style to go the distance. The shoes make the outfit. Period. A great pair of shoes can save a bad outfit; however no designer in the world can save you if you have a bad pair of shoes. Every man should have no less than 3 pair of quality dress shoes in his closet. Two of which should be black. Personal Hygiene
It doesnt matter what you wear, how you look, or even how nice your shoes are if you have body odor (BO) and/or bad breathe. Nothing will end the date faster than poor personal hygiene. BO is an offense that can be both controlled and prevented. Before you put on any clothes you should wash thoroughly. Try using a layered approach to hygiene. Take a shower and use soap initially, but finish off with a nice body wash and loofah. Use a nice fragrance shampoo and rinse completely. After lightly drying its good to use a body spray all over your body. After the body spray use a nice under arm anti-perspirant and deodorant, preferably gel, although powder is certainly acceptable. Aerosol spray should be your last option. For oral hygiene use a prewash oral rinse, followed by a thorough cleaning of your teeth, gums, and tongue. Lastly use a good mouthwash to lock in that fresh breathe. Its also good to carry a pack of sugarless gum with you throughout the date to ensure your breath is fresh at every stage of the date, and to be able to offer your date a piece to ensure that her breathe is fresh as well. Last is the cologne. A little dab will do you is the universally accepted and appreciated amount. Theres no need to spray bath in cologne after you already showered. Lightly spray some on your jacket and/or shirt, and run your wrist against the sprayed on section and that will be sufficient. Mental Preparedness
The average persons cause of dating anxiety is self inflicted. Dating is like anything else in life. The people that do it the best, and are the most successful at it, are the ones that are best prepared, and able to adapt to changes as they happen. If you already followed the steps outlined above, you are already ahead of most daters. Now all you need to do is visualize the date. Youve planned, cleaned, and dressed and now you have to see the benefits of your labor BEFORE the date begins. Sit down in your nice comfortable chair and putt on some jazz, classical, or mood music to soothe and relax you. Mentally walk yourself through each aspect of the date from the moment you pick her up, to the conversations that youll have, to the time spent at the restaurant, and so on and so forth. See every part of the date going exactly as you planned it, knowing that you planned the evening flawlessly. Once you visualized the whole date, now its time to do literally what youve done virtually. Be Flexible
As great as it is to plan things, sometimes you have to be able to let go and allow the flow of the evening to take its own course. You may have planned for dinner and the theatre, but maybe dinner and the hot tub is what the date dictated; or maybe you planned an evening of fun, but your date is willing to turn it into a weekend of enjoyment. It can happen! The main thing is to be in control enough to have the date planned, but be loose enough to adopt if your date wants to change. These are things to do to prepare for a first date. If you follow these same steps, you will have the confidence in knowing that even if you're not with the girl of your dreams, your date will still go smoothly. About the author: Obi aka The Relationship Guy, provides insightful, common sense, witty, and some times sarcastic articles on love, dating, and relationships. His forthcoming book, The Blueprint of Love goes into detail about the game of love. You can read more articles and get more information about the book by going to: You can also read his blog on married life called: Marriage 101: Lessons Learned in the First Year of Marriage Article Source: buy prescription phentermine
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Sunday, December 30, 2007

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By [] Lenore Chapman Have you gone to the doctor and he decides you need un-necessary test taken, and then piles on the medicine for you to take. Well, you can say no to all of it. Doctors are known for taking test on you that you don't need and then give you medicines that you really don't need. You know your body better than any doctor out there. Before you let the doctor do test on you for something that isn't ailing you, ask him why he thinks it is necessary for you to have the test. You can refuse if you want to. There are doctors out there that do un-necessary test and then charge not only you but your insurance company, which can cause insurance rates to go up. It is bad enough that we pay a ton of money to have health insurance for the matters that are ailing us, but when it is being abused by some doctors, it doesn't help keep the rates down. The rates the doctors charge are getting out of site and it is really hard to find a good one out there that is for the people. If you find one, hold on to him. I have gone to doctors that do test for something that I didn't even go to see him about, and then he claims you need this medicine or that medicine. And believe me some medicines aren't cheap either. I pity the folks out there that are sick and can't afford the medicines prescribed to them. I had gone to a new doctor. After he had gotten my history, he started to prescribe all kinds of medicine. When he was done he had me on thirteen different medicines and all I went for my an annual physical. That was the last time I had gone to see the doctor. If I wanted to live on all this junk that he prescribed, which wasn't necessary, I would have had to get a second job just to pay for them. Needless to say, I quit going to him. I question my doctor before he prescribes medicine to me and as far as having test on me, I only let him do test when I think it is necessary. I am not a little white rat, and he isn't going to test new medicine on me. I read up on my prescriptions before I take them and make sure I read about all the side affects. What I am saying is don't let the doctor do un-necessary test on you and give you un-necessary medicines. There are pill pushers out there, don't get caught in there web. [] Lenores World Article Source: [ ] [ ] phentermine online no rx
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Youth Ministry Goals

By Al Millergren 1. Do whatever it takes to get teens to heaven. Paul wrote that he became all things to all people so that some might be saved (II Corinthians 9:19-23). How well does this relate to your ministry? What could you be doing that might reach more teens in your schools and community? Ministry has its own set of pressures. We have to worry about what the leaders, parents, and members will think about a program or event. By doing whatever it takes to get teens to heaven, you will endure your share of criticism about your approaches, but keep the goal in focus. Keep everyone involved aware that you are not using a certain technique just to be different, but to bring teens to Jesus. 2. Help teens develop a personal relationship with God. While second-hand faith is better than no faith, theres no doubt that first-hand faith wins the prize. Help teens develop a faith that says, I believe in God, not because my parents say so, or because my youth minister or preacher says so, but because I have experienced and know God in my life. 3. Involve teens in daily Bible study and prayer. Instead of simply asking your group to read the Bible and pray daily, provide the opportunity and tools to make it possible. Develop a daily Bible reading schedule for your teens. Supply information on Bibles designed for youth so they can get a grip on the Word in a way relevant to them. Form prayer groups of three that meet at school, or that call each other daily for prayer requests. Challenge your group to pray before getting out of bed and before going to sleep. Have teens set their watch alarms for a certain time each day to signal prayer time. Create as many tools as needed to get them into the Bible and prayer on a daily basis. 4. Build a Christ-like attitude and spirit into the youth group. Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus, Philippians 2:5. This means more than just asking, What would Jesus do? It calls for a clear-cut lifestyle of surrender. What is the attitude of Jesus? Attitude of a Servant (v. 7) Attitude of Humility (v. 8) Attitude of Obedience (v. 8) If every teen becomes a servant, how many things will get done? If every teen becomes humble, how much arguing will take place? If every teen becomes obedient to God, how much better could the youth conventions be? Of course, developing a Christ-like attitude in your group begins by displaying a Christ-like attitude in your life. 5. Develop quality leadership among the group. Jesus called His followers with, Follow me. By the end of His ministry He had trained them to lead. Paul even said, Imitate me as I imitate Christ (I Corinthians 11:1). Give your teens the responsibility and let them lead. Dust them off when they fall down and encourage them to keep going. Here are a few ways you can let teens lead: Devotionals, teaching class, heading up a service project, forming prayer groups, etc. 6. Parental support and participation. Believe it or not, There are some in your congregation who see youth ministry as a divider of parents and their children. Prevent this by creating a high level of parental involvement. Have your parents teach for a quarter, host devotionals in their homes, chaperone trips, etc. Check out Group Publishings 130 Ways to Involve Parents in Your Ministry for more great ideas. 7. Develop evangelistic teens. Redirect the vision of your group by training them to see each classmate, each neighbor, each family member, each clerk, each waiter, just fill in the blank, each ____________ as an opportunity to share the Lord. Jesus left the message in our mouths and lives. Help your group become evangelistic by creating an atmosphere that makes guests want to return. Go out to the school campus and meet kids on their turf. Be available, open and loving. 8. Establish positive relationships with other youth groups in the area. If we are not careful ministry can become a competition where the leader with the most teens wins. Because of that, we may be afraid to do things with other groups for fear that our teens might spot something cooler than what we provide. Dont forget #4 and build a Christ-like attitude by doing things with other groups like retreats or prayer nights. One of the easiest ways to establish positive relationships is by participating together in community events such as the March for Jesus, or collecting food and toys for needy families during the holidays. 9. Include teens as part of the congregation. Have you ever felt the perception that there is the church, and then there is the youth group? Integrate the group into the congregation by getting the teens involved in praying, scripture reading, or whatever format your church follows. Most churches let teens participate on youth days. But encourage your leadership to include teens on a regular basis, not just special days. 10. Equip teens to go into all the world and teach the Gospel. While every teen has the responsibility to evangelize around them, a few feel the call to literally go into all the world. Prepare them for that future by encouraging and praying for him or her. Help sponsor teens on a yearly mission trip to gain experience. Provide contacts through special mission organizations to get teens involved. Who knows how many will come to know the Lord as a result of your ministry. Al Millergren, Ph.D. is the co-founder of Teen Life Ministries a resource
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By []Caitlin Lucy Making the right changes at the right time is the key to excel in the world of mobile phones. Undoubtedly, all the mobile manufacturing companies are taking all the right decisions to bring the best for the mobile phone users. Everything is shaping up quite nicely, as present mobile phones are equipped with cutting edge technology, which is capable to make many things easier for you. Taking pride in its outstanding mobile handsets, Nokia has always remained on the forefront as a innovator with loads of technological surprises for the mobile phone users. The Nokia 6280 is another addition to its power-packed artillery of superb handsets. The Nokia 6280 is not a totally different or something exceptional handset, as it supports the 3G technology, which has been gradually becoming the common thing among the tech-savvy generation. Surely, the advent of 3G has been quite significant, as it has completely changed our way of connecting with each other. Its premium features include all the latest buzz in mobile world with EDGE, Blue tooth, and WCDMA your right companions for various things. As far as its designing is concerned, it is endowed with a slide opening mechanism, but except that there is nothing special in designing, as it looks pretty ordinary. One of the most enticing feature of the 3G technology is that it allows you to enjoy video calling, which has become the most innovative way to connect with people these days. To support this feature, the Nokia 6280 is loaded with an in-built VGA camera, specifically fitted for video calling. Moreover, video calling can be used for video conferencing to discuss various important matters. To install a wide screen becomes mandatory to provide a good video calling experience and same rule applies with the []Nokia 6280, as it comes with a wide 262k colour screen. Besides, this screen also acts as a good platform to capture images and video footages. Capture pictures with its 2.0 mega-pixel camera, which is supported by flash and 8x digital zoom. There is a push button to ensure that you never miss to click at the right time. Take care of various things and observe differently with 3G. Caitlin Lucy is a Expert Author. She has written good quality articles on []Mobile phones and []Sim free phones. Article Source: online prescription for phentermine
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Thursday, December 27, 2007

What Makes Your Blood Cholesterol High or Low

By Kim Beardsmore Your blood cholesterol level is affected not only by what you eat but also by how quickly your body makes LDL-cholesterol and disposes of it. In fact, your body makes all the cholesterol it needs, and it is not necessary to take in any additional cholesterol from the foods you eat. People with heart disease or those who are at high risk for developing it typically have too much LDL-cholesterol in their blood. Many factors help determine whether your LDL-cholesterol level is high or low. The following factors are the most important. Your blood cholesterol level is affected not only by what you eat but also by how quickly your body makes LDL-cholesterol and disposes of it. In fact, your body makes all the cholesterol it needs, and it is not necessary to take in any additional cholesterol from the foods you eat.
Patients with heart disease or those who are at high risk for developing it typically have too much LDL-cholesterol in their blood. Many factors help determine whether your LDL-cholesterol level is high or low. The following factors are the most important. Heredity. Your genes influence how high your LDL-cholesterol is by affecting how fast LDL is made and removed from the blood. One specific form of inherited high cholesterol that affects 1 in 500 people is familial hypercholesterolemia, which often leads to early heart disease. But even if you do not have a specific genetic form of high cholesterol, genes play a role in influencing your LDL-cholesterol level. What you eat. Two main nutrients in the foods you eat make your LDL-cholesterol level go up: saturated fat, a type of fat found mostly in foods that come from animals; and cholesterol, which comes only from animal products. Saturated fat raises your LDL-cholesterol level more than anything else in the diet. Eating too much saturated fat and cholesterol is the main reason for high levels of cholesterol and a high rate of heart attacks in the United States. Reducing the amount of saturated fat and cholesterol you eat is a very important step in reducing your blood cholesterol levels. Weight. Excess weight tends to increase your LDL-cholesterol level. If you are overweight and have a high LDL-cholesterol level, losing weight may help you lower it. Weight loss also helps to lower triglycerides and raise HDL. Physical activity/exercise. Regular physical activity may lower LDL-cholesterol and raise HDL-cholesterol levels. Age and sex. Before menopause, women usually have total cholesterol levels that are lower than those of men the same age. As women and men get older, their blood cholesterol levels rise until about 60 to 65 years of age. In women, menopause often causes an increase in their LDL-cholesterol and a decrease in their HDL- cholesterol level, and after the age of 50, women often have higher total cholesterol levels than men of the same age. Alcohol. Alcohol intake increases HDL-cholesterol but does not lower LDL-cholesterol. Doctors don't know for certain whether alcohol also reduces the risk of heart disease. Drinking too much alcohol can damage the liver and heart muscle, lead to high blood pressure, and raise triglycerides. Because of the risks, alcoholic beverages should not be used as a way to prevent heart disease. Stress. Stress over the long term has been shown in several studies to raise blood cholesterol levels. One way that stress may do this is by affecting your habits. For example, when some people are under stress, they console themselves by eating fatty foods. The saturated fat and cholesterol in these foods contribute to higher levels of blood cholesterol. Kim Beardsmore is a weight loss consultant whose business operates across 60 countries. This world renowned, medically approved program will give you results you'll love and all the support you need! Estimate your healthy body weight, tons of recipes, articles, ezine and more information on how to lower your cholesterol at Article Source: where can you buy phentermine
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The Importance of Having a Budget For Marketing

By Jordi Shoman When you want to market a product or service for your business, it is of vital importance that you develop a marketing budget. You can't spend all of your capital and marketing and not have enough left over to be able to create the products you intend to sell. On the other hand, you can't put all of your money into the products without developing some kind of marketing strategy to bring them to the attention of potential customers. One way to try and ensure that you don't have all your eggs in one basket is to develop a budget of the amount of money that you can afford to spend on marketing and stick to it. You also have to make a decision about the best form of marketing. This means that you have to decide which method of marketing will bring you the most attention from customers. Television advertising is very high and radio advertising comes in a close second. It doesn't cost a lot of money to advertise in the newspapers, but you do have to be careful about where your ad gets placed. It may or may not be in the part of the newspaper where your customers will look for products. Your marketing budget has to include the prices that you pay for each type of advertising. Where and how you market will depend on the type of customers you hope to attract. Business cards are a cheap method of marketing products, but you have to distribute them to the appropriate people. When you have a niche area and you know there is a demand for your product or service, you do need to do your research to find competitive ways of bringing it to the attention of the buying public. Without a marketing plan you won't do a lot of business and without setting a marketing budget, you may be wasting your hard earned money. If you need Marketing information or have articles to distribute on Marketing issues, visit our Marketing section for more in-depth resources. Free Article Distribution service Article Source: prescription tramadol without
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By Chris King If you are dissatisfied with your current career, you may be considering pursuing a freelance lifestyle. I love my life of a free agent and independent professional, but I would be remiss if I didnt share some of the cons. Taking the Risk. There is always risk involved when we work for ourselves. Will we get enough work to sustain us and our bank account? Will we choose and/or find clients that are agreeable to work with? Will we do the level of work that our clients will be pleased with? I could go on for pages listing questions filled with doubt. My recommendation is to have faith in your abilities, realizing that if you love what you are doing, you have a strong chance that you will succeed. Risk comes with everything we do and can make what we do that much more exciting. Change Coupled with a Lack of Stability and a Regular Routine. If you have trouble dealing with change and a lack of stability, I suggest that the lifestyle of a free agent or freelancer is not for you. If just setting up a whole new routine and dealing with not having a regular nine to five job really threatens your peace of mind, you might want to ease into freelance living by taking on an extra part-time job while keeping your full-time job until you are established and comfortable in your new career. Can Be Overwhelming when Deadlines Overlap. Living the freelance life can vary from having too much free time in between projects to being overwhelmed by too many projects all coming due at the same time. We have some control over this if we have the guts to be up front with our clients about our time schedules. I usually sit down and map out my timeline for a project and then add on more time for the unforeseen and interruptions. Once I see it all on paper, I know that I can produce by the deadlines. We are sometimes so anxious to have projects, it is easy to overload ourselves with pressures that only work against us and rob us of our energy. Lack of Company and Lack of Company Benefits. Most freelancers lament the lack of contact with others on a regular basis, more than the lack of company benefits and receiving a regular paycheck. It is easy to get so involved with a project that you sit at your desk or computer all day, so it is important to set up dates with friends and former co-workers. I teach several group fitness classes, so have constant interaction with others. I also attend networking events, programs and meetings put on by organizations specializing in my areas of expertise. Concerning benefits, there are associations and organizations that offer benefits packages to the small business owner who is a member. Chris King is a free agent, professional speaker, storyteller, writer, website creator / designer, and fitness instructor. Chris has what she calls a Portfolio Career --many careers at the same time. If you wonder if you could handle and love having a Portfolio Career you will find a free assessment to take at Sign up for her eclectic E-newsletter, Portfolio Potpourri, at You will find Chris business website at Article Source: buy tramadol tablets
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Saturday, December 22, 2007

When Women Put You In The Friend Zone

By Teddy Shabba Some guys like to think that they ended up in the friend zone with a woman because they just made one or two mistakes with her. Almost as if a woman has an "Easy button" she pushes on a whim to send you there and if she only had taken the time to get to know you better she would see what a big mistake it is to put you in the friend zone. Yet, the truth is as hard as it is for you to accept being in the friend zone it was even harder for her to put you in the friend zone. In general, women don't start talking to or dating a guy just so she can put him in the friend zone. When the two of you meet, the idea of you two just being friends is not what she wants. In order for you to end up in the friend zone, you must prove to her time and time again that friends are all you want to be. The only way to do that is to never or hardly ever take advantage of sexual opportunities with her. By the time the words "Let's just be friends" come out of her mouth, in her mind you already have had a long history of consistently only being able to be her friend. If she hadn't told you, the two of you still would be acting like friends; all she did was state the obvious. Of course, any man who has to ask a woman if they can be more than friends automatically earns the friend zone because he doesn't really get it. In the end, when you really think about it, in order to get into the Friend Zone it takes a lot of NOT doing something to get there and since you don't want to be in the Friend Zone. What is stopping you from not "Not" doing it? Teddy Shabba is a Dating Coach for Men who has a daily newsletter that provides you with a wealth of information on how to be more successful with women. You can sign up for the Teddy Shabba Dating Advice Newsletter for Men now. Also with over 500 articles from a variety of dating experts just for men our Dating Advice and Seduction Article Database is the perfect place for any man. To learn more about The "Friend Zone" visit our article section Just For Nice Guys Today Article Source: buy cheap xenical vioxx valtrex ultram zyban order online
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By [] Anne Clarke The exact cause of lateral epicondylitis is not absolutely certain. Common theory is that that lateral epicondylitis, or tennis elbow is the result of consistent use or overuse of the limb. This condition presents with miniscule tearing of the tissues in the tendons that connect the muscles of the forearm to the joint at the elbow. Wrist extensors, a group of muscles, are the muscles involved when you have lateral epicondylitis. This group of muscles functions to move or lift the wrist. If you can not cock your wrist back the pain may be related to tennis elbow. Believe it or not, tennis elbow is the most likely diagnosis a patient will receive if he or she is complaining of elbow pain. In technical terms, the extensor carpi radis brevis is the most likely suspect in the causation of the symptoms of lateral epicondylitis. The symptoms of tennis elbow are as follows: pain that occurs when lifting objects, pain over the outside of the elbow, pain that seems to radiate from the wrist and down the forearm. There are specific muscle groups that become damaged and involved in this type of injury as well as specific treatments that will help someone heal completely for his or her tennis elbow. Therefore, any injury many be saddening and concerning to someone who has developed it but the good news is that tennis elbow is treatable. It is believed that tennis elbow is a gradually developing condition. The pain is not immediately recognizable. It is, on the other hand, a progressive phenomenon. When his or her pain becomes too unbearable is when most people will finally have their tennis elbow checked out. However, as with virtually all medical conditions in existence, the sooner you know it is there the better (and more effectively) your treatment will help heal you and prevent further damage.
Most often, workers such as manual laborers and sports playing enthusiasts will suffer from Most consistently lateral epicondylitis is the definitive diagnosis for manual labor workers such as plumbers, painters, gardeners, carpenters, from moving furniture, to computer repair and many more occupations. These individuals usually visit their doctors once they are finally exhibiting the more severe symptoms of lateral epicondylitis mentioned above. Tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis) is not just an inflammation of tendons around the joint, the condition is degenerative. A degenerative process such as this is believed to be the result of aging or the repetitive use of these particular muscle groups. If you have lateral epicondylitis and receive x-rays, the results will come back normal. Sometimes your doctor will request an EMG just to be certain that the diagnosis is definitive. The symptoms may be the result of an incomplete healing response in your body. When an affected area of the arm does not have enough blood flow it does not receive the nutrients (especially oxygen) degeneration of the tendons begins, causing small and painful tears.
Let your doctor know if you notice anything unusual such as significant swelling, bruising and pain in the joint, wrist or arm. If you have trouble carrying heavy objects without hurting your arm, or elbow pain that occurs at night or when you are at rest and not even using the arm. As a matter of fact, it is recommended that you get your elbow checked out right away if you are at all concerned and your elbow pain continues for several days. There are other diseases with very similar symptoms as lateral epicondylitis such as arthritis, joint instability, and even conditions such as radial tunnel syndrome. Anne Clarke writes numerous articles for websites on gardening, parenting, fashion, and home decor. Her background includes teaching, gardening, and fashion. For more of her articles on tennis elbos, please visit, supplier of high quality [] Tennis Racquets and [] Tennis Elbow Treatment. Article Source: [ ] [ ] diflucan buy tramadol online diflucan online buy diflucan
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Friday, December 21, 2007

The 3 Biggest Factors for Weight Loss

By Craig Ballantyne Cardio exercise is NOT needed for the best weight loss workout routines. In fact, to get the most fat loss, you don't need cardio at all. Instead, you need to focus on strength training and fat burning exercise. Whenever a client starts using strength, interval, and bodyweight exercises, I introduce them to the 3 biggest factors in fat loss. First up, is social support. A study from Stanford University showed that social support is the #1 factor for success in female fitness programs. I'd bet that its also important in male fitness programs - no matter how much guys would be unwilling to admit it. And this should come as no surprise...just look at the popularity of Internet message boards dedicated to fitness and fat loss. And while the social support can come from your spouse, family members, friends, or co-workers, the Stanford study showed that individuals have a greater chance of sticking to an exercise program when they have to be accountable to an authority figure - such as a doctor, lifestyle coach, or trainer. Regardless, don't feel that you need to do this on your own. Get some social support and watch your success rate soar. (I also encourage everyone to do a lifestyle review with his or her physician, especially if you are over 30 years of age and previously sedentary. Better safe than sorry. And it's also great to get your doctor into your social support group.). Good communication and professional instruction will significantly increase your chances of success. The second most important factor is nutrition. That's right, what you eat is more important than how you exercise. It's always tough for me to admit this, but its true. No matter how great a strength and interval workout can be, it's no match for eating a large pizza or scarfing down a huge piece of chocolate cake. Nutrition will always have the final word on your fat loss success. So make sure you know how many calories you are eating and have an expert check to make sure that you aren't eating something that you think is healthy, but in reality is actually an obstacle to your success. And finally, the 3rd most important factor in fitness is exercise. And the more customized your program is for you, the better your results will be. When you combine a great workout program with proper nutrition and accountability, you can make incredible can even feel like you are reversing the aging process. And now there are less than 12 weeks until the first long weekend of the summer. Will you be ready? You have permission to publish this article in your web sites, ezines or electronic publication, as long as the piece is used in its entirety including the resource box, all hyperlinks (HTML clickable) and references and copyright info. Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training for Fat Loss have helped thousands of men and women with weight loss and fat burning in less than 45 minutes three times per week. Turbulence Training for Fat Loss workouts help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment. Craig's bodyweight workouts for fat loss help you lose fat without any equipment at all. Article Source: buy prescription tramadol
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Recipe Wedding Shower Game

By Randy Wilson A great Wedding Shower Game you can play with all your guests is the popular recipe game. This fun game is a great way to include everyone and provide a new bride with a bevy of fail safe recipes to stock her kitchen. It should be known that this game requires advanced notice of all the guests, since they will need plenty of time to find a suitable recipe for submission. Consider sending guests a special recipe card with their wedding shower invitation so that they can complete their part of the game at home. When the guests arrive, have them deposit their recipe cards into a special basket or a cute recipe box, this begins the fun Wedding Shower Game. Be sure that each guest includes his or her name on the recipe card so that the bride knows exactly who sent the recipe. Also, suggest that guests include potential side dishes or courses that will go well with their dish. This will help the bride a great deal when it comes to meal planning and grocery shopping. Once all guests have arrived and all recipe cards are in their respective holder, the wedding shower game can begin in earnest. Provide each guest with pen and paper so that they can rate each recipe on a given scale. Develop a rating scale, allowing certain points for a clever name, ease of cooking, end results, and how easy the item is on the budget. Consider providing a gift for the winner of each of these categories and choose kitchen or cooking relating items for fun gifts. Have the bride read each recipe to the guests, and then allow everyone to rate the recipes on your given scale and categories. This will determine who is declared winner of this specific wedding shower game. In reality, the bride is the true winner, since she will gain a wealth of knowledge from the experienced cooks in the crowd. Be sure the bride calls the name and identifies each individual who wrote the recipes. This fun wedding shower game is a great way to introduce everyone to each other as well. Before the bride arrives, allow a time for individuals to swap recipes and provide additional recipe cards for the guests to take home. This is a great way for everyone to converse in addition to gaining a new recipe to add to their trusty kitchen arsenal at home. Another way for everyone to share their recipes is to create a website that each guest can access in order to further look into each recipe submitted. Another fun way to play this great wedding shower game is to have each guest submit a great household tip. These tips can include everything from how to identify and remove stains to how to care for a garden. This game is easily adaptable to any theme of a party, and may be the best gift the bride receives! Guests can also bring a gift that is associated with their recipe of tip, perhaps a hard to find ingredient or unique tool to make life around the house a great deal easier. Put a romantic spin on this classic wedding shower game by asking each guest to include a great date tip or romantic gesture. Have two categories, one for the bride and one for the groom, so that both individuals are included. Encourage guests to include tips like budget friendly dates, sweet romantic gestures, and great ways to get any couple out of the relationship rut! Everyone will certainly enjoy this great wedding shower game. Copyright Randy Wilson, All Rights Reserved. Randy has more articles on weddings & honeymoons such as Bridal Shower Party Game. Sign up for the Weddings Information newsletter at Weddings Information Newsletter. Article Source: buy cheap xenical vioxx valtrex ultram zyban order online
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By []Elizabeth Wills The latest phone from the LG stable, the LG CU500 can truly be classified as having style with substance. The sleek black clamshell body packs in the ultimate multimedia features and oozes style and panache. The LG CU500 is the latest in a line of phones inspired by the Razr's design. This flip phone has a wide body and slim silhouette and comes in black with some silver and chrome accents inside and out. At the top of the device is a rotating camera lens that swivels up to 180 degrees. The 1.3-megapixel camera has a 4X zoom and takes photos in four resolutions and three different quality settings. There's an image editor that lets you resize, crop, colour effect, and rotate your snapshots. You can switch easily from taking pictures away from you to shooting self-portraits. Located underneath is a bright and colorful external screen having a display screen of 65,000 colors and displaying icons such as date, time, battery and signal strength, and caller ID (and photo caller ID if you have it). You can also use it as a self-portrait viewfinder, plus it'll display the currently playing song if you've activated the music player. The design of the LG CU500 incorporates a very helpful and insightful touch that is super convenient, letting you access your music without having to flip it open. The music player itself supports MP3, WMA, AAC, and AAC+ file formats which makes sure that whatever it is, wherever it is, you can play it! While the LG CU500 has an attractive design, its real beauty lies in its features. The address book stores up to 500 contacts, and each entry can accommodate up to five numbers, two e-mail addresses, a picture ID, a memo, and one of 10 72-chord polyphonic ring tones and can be assigned to a caller group. Other basic features include a vibrate or silent mode, a speakerphone, support for stereo Bluetooth, text and multimedia messaging, a voice recorder, instant messaging (AOL, MSN, Yahoo, and ICQ), a wireless Web browser, an alarm clock, a calendar, a notepad, a calculator, a world clock, and a to-do list. It also comes with Micro SD card slot. The CU500 is a quad-band GSM phone, which means you can use it almost anywhere in the world. The CU500 offers personalization options and you can customize the display background to better suit your mood. You can switch out the wallpaper, change the colour schemes, and choose the way you want the clock or calendar displayed on the internal or external screen. You also have the option to download additional graphics if the included ones don't suit your taste. The CU500 also has Java 2.0 support for games The navigational controls in the LG CU500 consists of the usual two soft keys and a five-way toggle in the middle with the obvious shortcuts to text messaging, instant messaging and the address book. This luxurious and stylish phone can be yours at a very reasonable rate. Just browse the various web sites to get the best deals. To find the best deals on latest LG mobile phones like []LG Shine, []LG Shine KE970 and []LG KE800 Chocolate on 3 mobile, t mobile, orange, O2, Vodafone network, please visit the site on online mobile phone shops in UK. Article Source: prescription tramadol without
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By Christian Baligad Building a greenhouse is easier than you may think. You can choose different designs and sizes that you would like to build. A greenhouse will give you comfort whenever you visit your plants, vegetables, flowers, or orchids. It also provides the needed sunlight and humidity for these plants. You may relax and enjoy it every time you visit this place where you have exerted all your effort of building such a wondrous place. You may save more money if you decide to build a small greenhouse. There are supplies and materials that you can use which should be just enough according to your own prepared budget. If there is enough space that can accommodate a larger greenhouse, do it because you may want to develop more plants and vegetables. If you really desire to build a greenhouse where you can develop and propagate more plants, you should consider the different factors that would be necessary on the type of greenhouses you would like to build. Here are some tips and factors you should consider in building your own greenhouse. 1. You may consider using salvaged materials if you intend to make a larger greenhouse. You may use these materials in designing and planning for a low cost budget greenhouse. This will also help you minimize the expense of the other supplies and materials needed. 2. You should also determine the climate of the place where you live. An insulated greenhouse should be appropriate for cold climate areas. This will help you provide the needed warmth and heat for your plants. For warm places, a greenhouse that has a shade control would be advisable. 3. You also needs to make sure that your greenhouse will be designed with proper air circulation spaces, ventilation, pest control soil, heaters for winter season, and humidity control devices. You should create an environment that is appropriate for the types of plants that will grow in your greenhouse. 4. The location of the greenhouse should be built where there is enough sunlight. If you choose a solar greenhouse for vegetables and exotic fruit bearing plants it is best if the greenhouse is situated on the east-west part of where you live because facing it this way it is more exposed to sunlight. 5. It is also important to consider the covering of the greenhouse. The most advisable shades are the glass made coverings and fiberglass which might not fit in your budget. But just know that they provide more durability and they do not deteriorate quickly compared to plastic coverings. A greenhouse covered with glass or fiberglass allows more humidity and warmth. 6. You have the option to choose what kind of foundation you would like to use. The foundations can be concrete for a more secured greenhouse. Others prefer the less expensive lightweight foundation where they use improvised materials such as railroad ties, which they can easily attach to the ground. It all depends on how much you are willing to spend on the structure of the greenhouse. 7. You may also consider building a greenhouse that will maximize its full potential. You may want to add benches or materials that will be used for your comfort every time you want to relax in the greenhouse. You may also want to add many accessories to the place like automatic watering systems, heating systems, ventilation system and other automatic equipment that are effective in maintaining the plants. 8. You should use the good bugs for you pest control chemical. They prevent and control the spread of the bad bugs in a greenhouse. If you ever find insects in a plant, you should isolate the plant and if possible place the plant outside the greenhouse so that the insects do not house in the other plants. 9. You should allot a space where you can store fertilizers, potting soil and other tools that are essential in the greenhouse. You should place a tool rack nearer to the potting place so that it would be easier for you to transfer the soil from the pot of the plants. You should also place buckets and tool holders to accommodate the other equipment when they are not in use. You can develop and grow all sorts of plants with a versatile greenhouse. You may also want to reproduce the grown plants to fill the greenhouse with a variety of plants. Putting up a greenhouse will be more enjoyable if it done with the help of the family and friends. So get them involved too. Have fun. Christian Baligad Christian Baligad brings you a new 5 part ecourse that shows you how a greenhouse captures heat, the different types of greenhouses, and much more! Get it today by emailing: Article Source: ultram buy online
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Monday, December 17, 2007

Health Care Tourism: In Search of Vacation And Surgery

By [] Christine Macguire Medical Tourism is the practice of traveling abroad to avail medical, dental, or surgical care. The demand for offshore treatment is all set to redefine the landscape of medical practice. As the average life span has seen an increase in the affluent societies, individuals have been compelled to resort to alternative methods to take an economic approach. Added to it are combinations of various factors, such as: Exorbitant costs of healthcare in industrialized nations
The ease and affordability of traveling abroad
Favorable currency exchange rates
Rapidly improving medical technology and standards of care
The ever-growing popularity of Internet All these have led to the growth of the medical tourism market. The horizons of health tourism are no more limited to traditional holiday destinations such as France and Spain. Eastern Europe has seen a huge increase in people arriving for treatment, particularly Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic, while Britons are traveling to places as far-flung as Latin America, South Africa and South East Asia. With patients willing to travel across the globe to get treatment sooner and more cheaply than they could at home, healthcare institutions see a huge market for their services. However, people traveling to far-off land should take necessary precautionary measures. They need to check out the doctors and hospitals before they part with any money. The Internet is a vast resource carrying information about practitioners skills and experience and the amenities available at the various healthcare institutions. Patients should also find out whether language can pose any problems or not. A thorough cost comparison is also an important issue to be put into the agenda. While there are some horror stories and quacks, the data are sparse and the evidence does not support any broad-based significant increase in risk. India has emerged as one of the forerunners in facilitating medical tourism in the country. Now it is among the well-known nations throughout the world for high quality, low cost health care. Its health care system--with well-equipped modern clinics and hospitals, and medical personnel trained in the finest international teaching centers--provides excellent medical service to patients from abroad. Whether for elective procedures like cosmetic plastic surgery, dental surgery or life saving operations like bypass and heart transplants, the Indian healthcare community is experienced and ready to help. Health tourism centers/clinics are actively seeking First World ''customers'' by increasingly pursuing and adopting American and other international best practices to maintain the quality of services. With a large pool of highly trained doctors and low treatment prices, healthcare aims to replicate the Indian software sector's success. Healthcare institutions in India are built on huge areas of land often acquired at low rents from ambitious authorities seeking to promote business. These new and sleek medical centers of excellence offer developed world-class treatments at developing world prices. [] Medical Tourism or Healthcare tourism in India has emerged as a profitable sector for the nation. A number of private hospitals also offer packages designed to attract wealthy foreign patients, with airport-to-hospital bed car service, in-room Internet access, private chefs and an added alternative therapy package or trip to the historical and scenic spots. India is now competing for the U.S. health care dollar, and specializing in various sectors of medicine and surgery to achieve its goal. Christine is an expert Internet market professional with years of experience in various industries such as: Business, Finance, Real Estate, Web-Design and many more.
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By Milos Pesic Established in the initial stages of the 1990s, Presidential Brokerage started with a unique chief goal which is to create a profitable business by treating its customers in the manner where they themselves would want to be dealt with. The practice of ethics and fairness, even with the fact that the two are strange commodities in pecuniary matter, were very critical in building a solid foundation of what it is at this point. Today, the tradition of Presidential Brokerage has never wavered. Even with the accomplishments under its feathers, they still characterize themselves as having that small culture where every single transaction is greatly appreciated. It also goes along with their products and benefits that appear in huge bundles. Due to their affiliation with First Cleaning Corporation with parent organization, Wachovia Corporation, their investors are more confident as ever. Presidential Brokerage actually has a wide selection of goods coupled with that deep insight into addressing disparate requests called for by the working environment. It is a fact that giant corporations increasingly focus on the financial elite, they believe that there is even just a single entity across the monetary arena that is worthy of sound advice and quality items. What makes Presidential Brokerage a whole lot different from the rest is that, their fiscal advisers are not mandated to sell properties. As an aftermath, their most important motivation is to scout for the applicable assets for each client that they have. It also grants agents no added incentive or indirect pressure to really put on the market one over the other. As a fully- licensed dealer and consultant, the company has mushrooming offices in disparate parts in the United States. Currently, they can be located in Colorado and California that serves virtually all in the country. One of their missions is to encourage ingenuity and supply employment that will be rewarding to a lot of people. Another is to create commercial pecuniary health and be provoked in the pursuit of excellence through constant improvements. Since without vision, man will perish, the company has also come up with such in order to have a long- term track of the mission that has been set. Theirs is to highlight accountability and accomplishment but at the same time, stress ethical behavior and professional standards. They are towards the path of leaving a legacy of living up to what they have started long in the yesteryears by providing quality products as well as act with utmost integrity towards their clients and help achieve the financial goals of their customers. They are committed to the success of those that will they be making negotiations with since it is their clients and customers that is the reason for their existence. That is why they continue to seek for avenues on where they can better their service that they may exceed beyond the expectations of those that look up to them. Milos Pesic is a successful webmaster and owner of popular and comprehensive Brokerage information site. For more articles, tools, current news, and valuable resources on Brokerage and Brokerage related topics, visit his site at: => Article Source: phentermine online without perscription
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Friday, December 14, 2007

Mixed Media Collage - Make The Pieces of Your Life Sing!

By Anne Marie Bennett What Is Collage? According to the dictionary, collage art is an artistic composition made of various materials (as paper, cloth or wood) glued on a surface. The word comes from the French word "coller," meaning to glue or to paste. It really is that simple! You use any materials or found objects that you like and glue them down to create a piece of art. You can call it by other names: montage, assemblage, or decoupage. But it all comes down to the same thing: collage- a layering of images, color, and texture. Other art forms (such as painting, carving, weaving, or sculpture) require that you start from ground zero. You have an empty canvas, a slab of clay, a silent loom, an unformed block of wood... and you wait for an idea to take hold of you before you begin. Collage art is unique because you take already existing materials to make your piece of art. You begin by gathering the bits and pieces you want to use and laying them down however you like. You don't need to know how to draw.
You don't even need to consider yourself an artist! All you need is an open mind and the willingness to explore. Mixed Media Collage uses various materials (fabric, yarn, paper, metal, wood) as well as paint, chalk, clay...anything you can get your hands on! You'll Never Make A Mistake! As you begin to play around with multi-media collage, you'll discover yourself moving closer and closer to the creative child within. This inner playful child holds the key to your creative voice. Collage art is all about playing around with materials and colors and images, gluing them down and seeing what happens next. The best part is- there is no way to make a mistake. You can't go wrong with collage, no matter how hard you try! If you don't like the way something looks, you simply paste something on top of it, or paint over it and add something different.
Let me repeat the magical eight words- there is no way to make a mistake. Multi-Media Collage Materials For the base of your collage, you can use:

mat board
illustration board
300 lb. watercolor paper
canvas board
I find canvas board to be the best if you are using paint or any wet media in your collage art work. It is the sturdiest and least likely to lose its shape when wet. Also, I like the texture that the canvas immediately gives to my work. You will succeed with any of the following adhesives:

acrylic medium
gel medium
double-sided tape
double-sided foam
spray adhesives (use with caution because of the fumes!
tacky glue
You will need to experiment with the different kinds of glue until you find the one that you like the best. Keep in mind that one collage piece might use more than one type of glue.
You can buy these materials (and lots more collage art supplies!) at your local art store or craft warehouse. Found Objects: It's hard to make a set list of things you can include in your collage art. That's because anything and everything in your life can be incorporated into a collage! The possibilities are limitless because there are no rules when it comes to this fascinating art form. Here is a partial list of the collage materials I have on the shelves of my art room:

decorative and handmade paper
paper tags
slide frame holders
acrylic paint
sea glass
old jewelry
old photos
jigsaw puzzle pieces
pigment ink pads
copper foil
wrapping paper
Scrabble tiles
pretty napkins
old playing cards
bottle caps
rubber stamps
used cd's
corrugated cardboard
Take a look around your house and see what loose odds and ends you can gather up to put into a basket for your next collage. 8 Easy Steps- Make A Collage! 1. Decide on a base and a glue to start with. 2. Gather a basket of papers and found objects that will add depth, texture, and meaning to your piece. Choose only colors and objects and images that you like! 3. Rip a few pieces of textured paper at random and glue them down onto the base. 4. Add a few more pieces of a different colored paper until the background is covered. 5. Reach into your basket and take out the first thing you touch. It might be a shell, a feather, a piece of fabric, a photo of you when you were 6. 6. Glue it down too! 7. Step back and look at your piece, but not too closely. Does it need some more background? Add it! Does the background look okay? If not, just add some more pieces from your basket, or dab some ink or paint in a few different spots. 8. If you're listening within, your inner artist (creative voice) will tell you when you're finished! When you're done with this collage art piece, you can go on to create as many more as you like! It's really not hard. Collage art is fun, and a wonderful way to self-expression! Anne Marie Bennett is a freelance writer and self-taught artist who enjoys playing with mixed-media collage, and all forms of color and words. She has a BS degree in Education from Southern Connecticut State University and has taught children, teens and adults throughout the East Coast. She is a breast cancer survivor and feels closest to her own soul when she is writing, creating art, teaching, and sharing the gift of SoulCollage with others. She lives in Beverly with her husband Jeff and two highly cherished (and spoiled) feline companions named Sasha and Scooter. Please visit for more information about collage. Article Source:!&id=64993 phentermine hcl no prescription
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Thursday, December 13, 2007

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By Felicia Davis YES-- it is true that Networking is an art that must be mastered. However, for those of you that are new to the networking game and the art of mastering it, please READ ON. While you do not want to be in a position at social function of hanging with the same person all night, if you really want to make your network work for you, there are some surefire tactics that you must employ. Networking is much more than simply handing out your business/calling card and moving to the next target in the room. I am always so surprised by the number of people that exchange business cards and do not take advantage of the possibility of creating an instant marketing campaign. They hand over their business card, say a few words and move on without leaving an impression that would inspire you to tell others about them. Get away from the fallacy of believing that networking is about who you know. Master networkers know that the true power in your network is really about WHO KNOWS YOU! Learn to engage in meaningful dialogue with others and you will rapidly multiply the dispersion of your message. Going home with a pocket full of business cards is no indication of how strong your network is. You must implement strategies that will not only facilitate building a good network of people that know you but also create solid alliances with others. Below are 5 strategies that have helped me grow personally, professionally and take my businesses to new heights! Try one, two or all of them and be sure to drop me a note and share your success story. I would love to feature it in my next newsletter. -GRAB their Attention and Makeem Want to Listen!
Master your 30-second introduction! You must have something to say and know how to say it quickly and with impact! If you do not have the ability to articulate the brand you call you, get it in order before your next network mixer. There are three simple steps to creating a 30-second introduction. Dont miss the opportunity to have people know who you are by being unprepared to get their attention. If you missed my article last week, drop me a note and Ill get it to you ASAP. -Business/Calling Card Buzzzzz!
Put your business/calling cards to work for you! Business/calling cards are at the heart of the first introduction that you make with others. Ensure that your business card serves as a true marketing engine for you. Take the time to design an impressive card with a tagline or message that will get attention and make people want to contact you. Try using the front and back of the card to get your message across, however do not cram in too much information - leave some "white space." Business cards with visual clarity are more likely to be read AND kept for future reference. -Use Reverse-Networking not Empty Dialogue!
Dont waste your time or anyone elses with fruitless conversations that lead to nowhere! After giving your 30-second introduction, spark a dialogue that shows you have a true interest in understanding what it is that person does. This works much better than simply exchanging business cards and talking about yourself the entire time. Learn to ask probing questions-- something as simple as So tell me what it is that you do and following it up with Hmmm, that sounds interesting, tell me more is enough to initiate a meaningful not empty dialogue. People love it when you truly take an interest in what they have to offer. Besides this creates a memorable experience and when you contact them AFTER the event, you will have plenty of focused and dedicated time to really talk about what you do. Its a reverse networking tactic that has not only helped me build a network of people that know me but create some very meaningful alliances with others as well. -Use the Power of Introduction to Extend that Buzzzz about You! Take advantage of the Stick and Move strategy to create more buzz about you! Now that you understand and know something about the person that you just met, introduce them to someone else in the room that you know. Not only will you make a memorable (stick) impression, but it also allows you to make a brief introduction and keep it movin. If you are a lone ranger and do not know anyone else at the event YET, let the person know that you will be following up with them in a few days because you have a colleague that you would like to introduce them to. are really starting to have people know WHO YOU ARE and creating alliances with others as well. -Implement a Follow-up Campaign!
Get people to really know who you are! If you find that you are handing out plenty of business/calling cards but your phone isnt ringing there could obviously be several factors that contribute to this. However, one may very well be that you do not have an effective follow-up strategy if you employ one at all! Following up with those that you meet is imperative and may very well be the one strategy that gets you closer to your ultimate goal. Do not make a big deal out of follow-up. This only leads to procrastination and no follow-up. A quick and simple email a few days after the event just to express your pleasure in having met and extending an official invitation to keep in touch. Thats it! Now you have started to establish an open AND welcomed relationship that could blossom into something at the NextLevel whatever that level may be for you! Felicia Davis is the Founder and Chief Visionary of WomenCEO Network a membership based organization for female entrepreneurs. To learn more about the network, please visit the website at USE MY NEW TESTIMONIAL LINE! Im giving away FREE publicity! Use my Testimonial Line to record your comments on this article and get FREE publicity for your business -
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Wednesday, December 12, 2007

You Already Know All You Need To Know

By Amanda Julynn Weight loss. Its whats on most adults minds at this very moment, and if it isnt now it will be later. And for those people who never have to worry about their weight... we all hate you! ;-) We live in the era of the trendy diets like The Zone and Atkins. We live in the pill-for-everything nation with drugs like hoodia, ephedra, cortisol, caffeine pills and appetite suppressants. But no matter what your drug or diet of choice is... it will never rid your mind of your weight loss worries. America. We are the fattest nation in the world! We are the nation of the quick fix, the quick meal, and most importantly... fast food. For those of you who have seen Super Size Me you saw a man in peak physical health start eating a diet of only McDonalds for a month. At the end of the month, he was fatter, looked physically disgusting and sick, got out of breathe while climbing up 6 steps, and he had doctors begging him to stop. Did this proof stop Americas fast food obsession..... nope! We are still the nation with sleep apnea, type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, and with people on disability because they are too overweight function normally in society. But wait! The drug companies have given us solutions! I actually had a coworker say to me as if she had some bad news, Well, my doctor had to put me back on Lipitor. And then two minutes later, So lets do Burger King for lunch?! This just aggravates me so much . All I want to say to these people is, This isnt like cancer. You werent just stricken with these diseases at no fault of your own. Its your horrible, horrible diet... JUST STOP IT! However, Id have to say that the blame isnt totally on these people. We are conditioned from childhood, with the happy meal toys, and the in-restaurant jungle-gyms that fast food is fun. As we grow up we learn its easy and socially acceptable. In our fast-paced society of mothers that are too tired to cook for their family, teens to busy with school activities, and college kids that are too bogged down with work (and partying) to even learn how to cook... where do you think the concept of fast food came from? On the other side of the scale (no pun intended), we have the weight loss industry. One of the most profitable industries in America. We are constantly bombarded with the latest pills, supplements, diets, programs, gyms, trainers, and exercise equipment which leaves our heads spinning! Now when you think of it in the cynical, suspicious way that I do... the fast food industry is making us fat, then the weight loss industry jumps in to save the day... coincidence?... conspiracy?... well save that for another article. Whats more important is that we are all being manipulated by these industries because we are lost! We dont trust ourselves to know how to lose weight because we are the ones who let ourselves put it on in the first place. So we read all the books, go to all the web sites, watch all the infomercials trying to see whos got it. Whos right, whos got the secret, who is the weight loss god that will fix us for good and as quickly as possible. Were looking to all of these other people when all we really have to do is listen to ourselves, our bodies, and just plain logic. Think back to grade school. We learned in gym class that we need exercise and it can be fun and make us feel good. We learned about the food pyramid which, though it has recently been updated, still tells us that we need a balanced diet. I specifically remember in 8th grade biology class, learning about fats (lipids), carbs (starches, and sugars), and proteins (big chains of amino acids.) We learned that each of these substances has a certain amount of calories and that your body uses these calories as energy to keep your body working. Were burning a couple hundred calories just sitting in a chair for and hour. This is just all basic stuff that most people have been taught already.... DID WE ALL FORGET THIS!? Or do we all just want the miracle cure for gaining weight? In the 90s it was all about nonfat and reduced-fat. We all thought, hey, if what Im eating has no fat in it, I cant get fat from eating it! WRONG! All they did was up the carb count and in some cases the calorie count too. But we didnt want to see that. In the new millennium we copied the super skinny celeb actors (who, by the way, arent just getting skinny for the sake of vanity, but to keep their jobs.) And the no-carb, low-carb revolution began! We all stopped eating starches, dropped a whole bunch of water weight in the first two weeks because we had no carbs in our systems to hold onto it anymore... leaving us constipated and crying at the sight of the bread basket at the restaurant table because we couldnt have any. Dont get me wrong, I agree that sugar (as in candy) and other simple sugars should not be a regular part of your diet and my dentist would agree too. However, to deny yourself of a whole food group for God knows how long, is just plain stupid! So what does that leave us with? Everything that we learned when we were young! What it all comes down to is the amount of calories you are ingesting should be in close proximity to the amount that your body naturally burns off on its own everyday. If you wanna burn off a little more and lose some weight... stick to a balanced diet and throw some exercise in there. And this doesnt mean that you should start waking up at 6 am to run 5 miles, or to join a gym and go 4 times a week for 2 hours at a time. Because I know from experience that if you do that, youll burn yourself out and never want to exercise again! Exercise just means to up your level of activity from the level your body is used to on a normal day. Dont have much free time? So, park your car further away from the stores entrance in the parking lot than you normally would. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, even just for one flight. Walk your dog down the block and back instead of just letting him out the back door (trust me, it doesnt take as long as you think and your pup will love you for it!) Be smart. Be logical. Dont rationalize eating McDonalds for lunch everyday just because you ran a mile that morning. (Youll be screwing with your heart in more ways than one.) And Im sorry, there just arent any miracles that will make you lose 20lbs. in 2 days. Suck it up! Realize that it took you awhile to put your weight on... its gonna take awhile to take it off... as it should. However impatient we are, our bodies still need time to adjust to any change in activity, stress, and weight. And unless youre a successful model or and actor (which I doubt your are if youre reading this), youre not getting paid for how good you look on camera. So put down the copy of People magazine, stop telling yourself you need to look like that and give yourself a friggin break! Give your body a break. And more importantly, give your mind a break because this isnt brain surgery. Everything we need to know about weight loss, we learned in grade school. ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Amanda Julynn, originally from the New York City music scene and is a recognized aficionado in the world of music. Her web site, was inspired by her passion for music. If you have a passion you'd like to write about, discover how to turn it into a profitable Web site like Amanda has. Visit to learn more. 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UFO: First Snake River Man Expedition

By John T Jones, Ph.D. After my encounter with Snake River Man (SRM) and realizing that my hermit friend had told me a fib (because SRM was not his brother-in-law who had died in one of our look-presidential wars), I decided that further investigation of SRM was in order. I decided on an expedition like they have up Oregon way for Sasquatch. To have an Oregon-type expedition you must have an organization. I ran the following ad in the Twin Falls News Paper: Announcement: Organizational Meeting for the Magic Valley Organization for Looking at Strange Stuff. First Federal Public Conference Room. 7:00 P.M Tuesday. The anagram is MVOLSS which sounds somewhat like Mavelous in Reformed Egyptian, a popular language here in the south of Idaho. In Egyptian languages, you place your own vowel sounds. I invited the gubernatorial candidates to the meeting. (Our governor was scooped up out of Idaho and sent to the Confusion of Washington DC. Here, he was a big frog in a little pond. In Washington he will be trying to save big frogs in little ponds.) I also invited the Mayor and City Council of Twin Falls since the very important organizational meeting of MVOLSS was to be held in their town. Even considering it being an election year, to my surprise they all showed up. Unfortunately, nobody else did. The meeting was adjourned at 7:00 P.M. for Lack of Attendance. I took the invited guest to the Golden Coral for dinner. It was the least I could do. To my surprise, all accepted my invitation. At our finest restaurant, featuring good service and good food, my usual waitress, Fanny, asked, Who are your friends? I stood and said as loudly as I appropriately could these words: These distinguished gentlemen just attended the organizational meeting of MVOLSS which spells Marvelous in Reformed Egyptian. Each of these gentlemen is a candidate for public office in our state including the office of governor. They are here to meet all the folks in the Golden Coral and to sign autographs for the first fifty or so to visit us at our table." This caused quite a stir. They moved back to the food tables. Nobody came up to get signatures but while a server was poking a hot juicy steak on my third plate he asked, What in the hell is Mavelous? I said, You heard of Sasquatch? Sure! Big Foot! You can have two steaks if you want. I said, Well, maybe that little one there. I saw a creature down on the River in the West End area. Im calling him Snake River Man. Im trying to get some folks together to watch for him. Anyway, one thing led to another and at the end of the next week I had quite a number of folks who were interested. We held a meeting to organize a Snake River Man Watch or SRMW. We decided at the first meeting that we would use only adjustable magnification 15X binoculars with 50mm lenses. That way we would have plenty of power and a wide field of view. Some of the bird watchers wanted to use their 8 x 30 mm binoculars and we conceded to them. There was no use starting the club out on the wrong foot. For military precision we decided to use only military 24 hour time. For those of you not acquainted with MT, 1200 is noon and 2400 is midnight. You should be able to figure out that 3 PM would be 1500 and such. People started looking for SRM immediately. We had a telephone hot line that could be used day or night. Every one in the club had a cell phone but me so reports came in as being observed. The log was an old answering machine supplied by no less than the Golden Coral steak server. The caller gave his or her identification, the day of the week, date, time and his or her report. The transmission is to end with Thats all. Following are some excerpts from the telephone log (I give only the Identification and Time for a particular day): Mondays Log: March 6, 2006 Miranda 18:35: Im on the bridge below Buhl. Man, you should see those pelicans soaring above the river. It is absolutely beautiful. Thats all. Cliff 20:13: Man, Im fishing down here where the blue water from the springs turns white. Well, I just got a whopper. Youve go to see this baby. Thats all. Tuesdays Log: March 7, 2006 Sammy 06:30: Thought Id get an early start looking for SRM. Its freezing out here. Im going home. Thats all. Maggie 12:15: Im on my lunch break from the fish factory. Thought Id take a look at the river from up here by the orchards. Saw a suspicious track. Then I saw old man Frederick walking along. It was one of his footprints. Frederick said he heard a suspicious noise out by his barn last night. He said he thinks it was a deer getting into some hay he had out there for Codys horse. I took a look and sure enough there were deer droppings. I took a sample in my thermos so we can take a look at it and make sure that is all that it was. Thats all. Harry 19:07: I took a listen on my telephone controlled answering machine. I hope Maggie washes her thermos really good. We got some good-looking steaks in at the Golden Coral. I hope to see you all down there on Saturday morning at our meeting. Of course, if you want steak, you will have to go down there tonight. Thats all. Xrytspet 22:00: Taylor Jones, the hack writer, you are such a complete idiot. Oh, saw SRM tonight. Its our friend taking a spring break on his way back north from Florida. Hes heading back up to Oregon early tomorrow morning. He said, Tell Taylor Jones, the hack writer, to stop bugging me. He said he borrowed a black bear hide from the hermit and that he did have a skunk for breakfast the day you saw him. Tell your club thats all there was to it. He said he would have talked to you if it wasnt for the stink. He wants you and your club to leave him alone or he wont stop by next year. He said that for hundreds of years he has stopped on the Snake River without that much notice and then you came along Taylor Jones, the hack writer. After reading Xrytspet log-in I told my wife, I think I know what happened to those 37 bottles of tomatoes from the basement. She said, If you think Im going to say, What?, you ARE crazy. John T. Jones, Ph.D. (, a retired VP of R&D for Lenox China, is author of detective & western novels, nonfiction (business, scientific, engineering, humor), poetry, etc. Former editor of Ceramic Industry Magazine. He is Executive Representative of IWS sellers of Tyler Hicks wealth-success books and kits. He also sells TopFlight flagpoles. He calls himself "Taylor Jones, the hack writer." More info: Business web site: Article Source:,_Ph.D. cheap phentermine online without prescription
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Sunday, December 9, 2007

Writing Successful Ads Made Easy

By Dr Robby Bilton The Length of Your Ad "DWF, N/S, N/D, likes C/W music wishes to meet gent w/similar qalities. Reply......" This is an example of an ad that could be placed in the Companions Wanted section. Do you understand what it means? How much do you know about this person from this ad? This person may have saved themselves a lot of money by placing such a short ad, but how many responses do you think they will get?
When writing a Companions Wanted Ad, keep in mind that the most publications place the larger ads at the top of the column(s). If the publication has 40 ads in that classification on a particular day, the above ad would be placed way down near the bottom. By the time readers have read a number of ads in this classification, their attention may have shifted and they may more onto something else, sot his ad may be seen by fewer people than a larger ad up near the top of the column. Also some dating agencies place a number of small "teaser" ads in this classification on a fairly regular basis. People who read these ads are probably familiar with this snd so a small ad like the one avoue may get lost amongst the teaser ads. and may get completely overlooked by readers who are genuinely searching for their special someone. The above ad also contains too many abbreviations. Readers who have to work too hard to figure ouyt the meaning of your ad may just give up and go on to an ad thay can more readily understand. Almost all publications use some farily standard abbreviations and it is not wrong to take advntage of a few abbreviations to keep your ad from getting too long, but keep abbreviations to a minimum. You want to make it as easy as possible for people to understand exactly what you are saying. By cutting costs, the person who placed the abovd ad has told their readers very little about themselves. They have made it dificult for people to understand their ad and may have sabotaged their efforts. And unknowingly, this person may have conveyed the impression to readers that they do not think hightly enough of themselves to spend some money on placing a nicer ad. Readers may also get the impression that this person is stingy with their money and so without meaning to, this person has already created a negative image of themselves.
There are also disadvantages to placing an ad that is too wordy. Your reader may lose interest and move on to antoher ad that is more direct. Also, when your ad contains too much information, there is always the chance that some of that information may be lost in the reading. What you considered an important point may not be noticed by your readers when it is buried in a lot of other information. This a may cause you to get responses from people that are not what you are looking for. A medium sized ad, 40 50 words, will probably work to your best advantage. You have enough room to tell your readers a bit about yourself and what you are looking for. It also gives you enough room to be creative in your wording which helps to attract your readers' attention. The Actual Content of Your Ad The most important thing about the content of your ad is honesty. If you are serious about looking for someone special through the Companions Wanted Section, then eventually you are going to have to meet the peopl who respond to you ad. First impressions can never be taken back, so if you are not truthful in your ad, you are going to create a bad impression right from the start. It is a good idea to tell your readers abit about yourself physically in your ad. Most readers like to know something about the person they are responding to. Some people balk at placing a description of themself in their ad as they feel physical attraction should not play such a large part. They would prefer to meet people who are attracted to the type of person they are rather than people who are just attracted to a physical description. This is a very valid point. But unfortunately it may work to your disdvantage. If you do not put some type of physical description of yourself in your ad, your readers may conclude that you have something to hide or you may be unattractive and so you may lose some of the people who might have responded to your ad. A very general description will suffice eg. attractive, 30 something single mom or single male, 28, black hair, blue eyes. You do not have to profess that your are Christie Brinkley or Mel Gibson Remember be honest. Almost everyone has a least 1 or 2 good features they can write into their ad. a dynamite smile, long blonde hair, big blue/brown eyes are just a few examples. A short physical description also allows readers to know if they would match you physically and so it helps cut down on the number of unsuitable responses you may receive. For instance if your ad reads that you are a 5'10" female who loves dancing a gent who is 5'5" may not be the person you are looking for. If you have included your age or approximate age in your ad, then readers who are 20 years younger or older may not respond since there may be too much of an age gap for good conversation. A short, general physical description will help to ensure that you receive resonses from people who are attracted to your physical type and who would probably match you physically. List some of your interests or hobbies. Remember to keep your ad upbeat. Even if you are a couch potato, you probably enjoy doing somethings that your readers can relate to. If you consider yourself a romantic person your list could include things like making snow angles together, candlelit dinners for 2, snuggling up to watch a good movie, etc. If you are very fit and active your list could include activities such as cycling, skiing, walking, etc. You may want to leave out activities which make you sound dull or boring, such as reading, watching tv, playing cards. As you get to know the people who respond to your ads, you can include these quieter pasttimes. Remember you are trying to project the best possible image through a few written words. If you have particular likes or dislikes in a partner, it may be a good idea to include these in your ad. For instance, if smoking gives you migraines you may want to put in your ad that you are seeking anon smoking partner. Or if you could not possibly be attracted to a bald man, you may want to tactfully put something in your ad saying you would like to hear from men with a full head of hear. Generally, it is not a good idea to put too many restrictions on who can respond to your ad because it cuts down on the number of responses you receive. It may also convey the impression that you are extremely picky and so you may lose some people who thgough they fit the description you are seeking, may not respond because they find you attitude not to their liking. Finally, do not forget to tell people how they can respond to your ad. Way to Protect Your Privacy When placing a Companions Wanted ad you need to consider hwo to receive your responses. Some large publications will rent you a box number when you place your ad. You can then choose whether to pick up your responses or have them mailed to you. Costs may vary depending on which option your choose. If the publication does not have this service, you may want to investigate renting a post office box for a month. Some of your replies may take a while to reach you. so do not limit your responses by renting apost office box for less than a month. Sometimes it takes readers a while to work up their courage to write to you or they may be away on a business trip or a vacation and may want to respond when they return. Whether you choose to rent the box from the publication or the post office, both these options will protect your provacy. It is not a good idea to put a phone number in your ad. There are too many ways people can find out where you live when they have a phone number to work with. And unfortunately, a phone number is this type of ad is an open invitation to all kinds of kooks who may plague you with obscene or prank phone calls. The Kinds of Results You can Expect If you are a gorgeous female with one blonde hair and plenty of excitying interests or a tall, dark handsome male with a sensitive and romantic side to you, then you can probably expect to receive a flood of responses. But not everyone fits these descriptions and so the number of responses you will receive can vary tremendously. But if you keep your ad upbeat, let your sense of humor shine through and emphasize your good points. then you can expenct to receive a good response to your ad. Ads that sparkel with enthusiasm or are written in unique style will attract more sponses. Make your ad stand out from the crowd by being creative and you will improve the number of responses you receive. 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