By []Shawn Hill From time to time, you may find yourself in an emergency situation where you need extra cash. Because of poor credit you may not be able to get an emergency loan from a bank or credit union. It is at this time that you may consider getting a payday loan. Here are some things that you want to be aware of when making this decision. 1. Start Early. Dont wait until you have an emergency to start looking. This will lead you to make a quick bad decision. The best time to look for a loan is when you dont need it. Then you are not under pressure and sometimes dealing with emotional issues. 2. Secure Site. If you are looking online, make sure the site that you are using is secure. There are many thieves that would use you misfortune to steal your identity. Check for indicators such as https in the URL. Also check for the lock and key symbol at the bottom of the page. Also look for the VeriSign Secured symbol. 3. Understand Terms. This can be confusing. Many companies dont list the APR, but list it as a certain number per 100. Most are between $20-$50 per $100 borrowed. Many times this ends up being 5000% APRs.. 4. Total Cost. You should consider not just the APR, but the total cost of the loan. This includes late fees, penalties and all other charges that you can incur. Many companies will charge you a low upfront cost because they know that probably continue to renew your loan. This is where they really make their money. 5. Customer Service. Customer Service. How many ways are there to contact the business. These should include phone numbers, email, FAQ information and live chat. The more the better. And test them all out to see if they work. 6. Personal Information. Look for assurances that the company will not rent, sell, lease or giveaway your personal information. You cannot always guarantee that a company will not violate this policy, but if they dont even make the statement, you should certainly move on. 7. Early Payoff Incentive or Penalty. Some companies actually give you an incentive to pay off the loan early. This will reduce the amount you have to pay back. Other companies penalize you for paying off early. They want you to keep paying as long as possible. The main key is to look before you leap. Dont wait until you have an emergency before you know where you will go before to get a loan. And the biggest solution is to not use this type of loan for your wants. These should be for emergencies only. Make sure you do your due diligence and you can make the most of a bad situation. STOP! Pay day loans may not be your only option. Before you decide to get a payday loan, make sure you check out this site: [] Shawn Hill is a foreclosure resolutions specialists. Get his FREE REPORT-Behind on Payments-What you need to know by sending and email to [] In the subject line put Free Report. God Bless! Article Source: buy phentermine online no rx
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