By Scott Patterson Do you secretly feel your not good looking enough to attract the women of your dreams? Well if so, you're not alone. Many guys are constantly worried about their looks or physical characteristics. Unfortunately they let this fear ruin their chances of success when talking to a woman. They feel that they might be too bald, short, fat, old or poor to attract a woman. But the one thing these guys have to realize is women are attracted to different things then we are. For instance, we tend to be attracted to the thin, blonde-haired, large-breasted, model types. Whenever we meet women the first thing we check out are their looks. After that we focus on other things like personality and intelligence. On the other hand, women are varied in their tastes of men. In fact, what they find attractive really depends on their personality. Some love large hulking men, while others are attracted to thin, intellectual types. What's interesting is even women who have a "certain type" will go for goes outside of their preferences. If they meet a guy with personality and chemistry, she'll be attracted to him regardless of his looks. This is good news! No matter what you look like, you can still be VERY successful with women. If you know how to be attractive through your personality, you'll do well with women. All you have to do is learn how to become a guy with a magnetic personality. So instead of focusing on your looks, think about how you become an Alpha Male. Then you'll be able to confidently walk into a room and attract the attention of all interesting women. Ultimately you have to forget about your looks, improve what you can and the focus on developing a great personality. Want to learn 50 different ways to meet, approach and attract women If so, take a look at Scott Patterson's Free eBook which provides 50 tips for approaching, attracting, and dating ANY woman. Article Source: online prescription tramadol without
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